
Are there any incredible horror films that I probably haven’t seen?

Are there any incredible horror films I haven’t seen?

YES! There are incredible horror films that you haven’t seen! We use to believe that we had seen every horror film that was considered at least ‘good’ that ever existed. This is Eff Your Reviews list of horror films that are incredible, that you probably haven’t seen!

Incident in a Ghostland (2018)

So at this point, after watching hundreds of horror films, when I watch a horror film it has to be pretty breath taking to actually scare me. But this was truly the light at the end of a horror withdrawals dismal, un-hopeful tunnel. What’s more shocking, is that literally no one I know has even heard of this film. It’s full of twists, incredibly disturbing scenarios and just all round, what we think a brilliant horror film should be. To see the full EffYourReview review, go here, or to watch Incident in a Ghostland on prime, click here.

Chained (2012)

The film Chained, focuses on a serial killer who kidnaps a boy (aged 9) from his Mother. He keeps the boy in his house for a very long time, using him to make sure that the house is always clean and his doors are unlocked as he brings home different victims each night.
Watch Chained (2012) on prime, click here.

Mum and Dad (2008)

One employee named Lena is working at Heathrow Airport, when her friend “Birdie” asks her if she wants to come to their house for dinner. She soon finds out that not everything is as seems with the family in this house.
To see the full Eff Your Review review, go here, or to watch Mum and Dad (2008) on prime, click here. CLICK HERE FOR PAGE 2 CLICK HERE FOR PAGE 2 CLICK HERE FOR PAGE 2 CLICK HERE FOR PAGE 2 Click here for CLICK HERE FOR PAGE 2
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What makes a good horror film?

31 horror film cover

31 – Horror Film Review