
Wish Upon (2017)

What is Wish Upon (2017) about?

Wish Upon (2017) is a horror film about a teenage girl named Clare, who was brought up in a single parent household. Clare was raised by her Father due to her Mother ending her own life when she was younger. In addition to this tragic incident that occurred, unfortunately Clare was also a witness to finding her own Mother’s passed away body. This all happened to Clare when she was very young. Clare’s Father found her an old music box, which grants her seven wishes. However, all the wishes come with a price. But what could this price be though? What are the seven wishes that she chooses and what are the consequences of these wishes? Watch the horror film Wish Upon to find out these answers! You can currently watch this film on Amazon and the trailer is below.

Would horror film lovers enjoy this film?

This horror film was unfortunately, very, very cheesy and predictable. In addition to this, we also found that the story line seemed incredibly cliché. The film was not at all scary and lacked suspense, which was actually really disappointing because after seeing the trailer we were actually quite excited for the film. We would not recommend for a true horror fan to watch this film. However, if you are an avid Disney lover during Halloween time, you’re in heaven! Overall, we can say that if you are a horror film lover then you can definitely go without watching this film. We unfortunately found it to be quite disappointing in correlations to our expectations of it.

Wish Upon rating:





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