
The Babadook

What is The Babadook about?

The Babadook is a horror film that follows the story line about a Mother and a Son who stumble across a story book named Mister Babadook. As a single Mother (due to a tragic death of the Husband) she struggles greatly when her son talks about the Babadook being real. This fear of the Babadook becomes more and more apparent, until neither the Mother or the Son can ignore it, but instead, have to face it head on. How strong is the babadook though? Will they be able to over come this problem in their life? Watch The Babadook to find out these answers!

Would horror film lovers enjoy The Babadook?

The Babadook reminds us of the reason why we created this website. We are so unbelievably confused as to why this horror film has such high reviews, when it is genuinely such an un-scary film. We wouldn’t even put this film in my top 50 horror films, so we don’t understand how on some website it has around 95 – 100% review. The film just is not scary, the storyline is cheesy and the suspense is massively let down by the poor execution of this film. Most trashy horror films use jump scares to make it “scary”, but this film didn’t even have that to bring it up slightly to a moderately okay horror film. You definitely can go without watching this film if you’re a horror lover. We don’t even think that non-horror film lovers will find this film scary. Check out the film for yourself though and let us know what you thought.

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