
Halloween (2018)

What is Halloween (2018) about?

Halloween (2018) is a horror film about Michael Myers managing to escape the mental hospital that he has been placed in. Laurie Strode survived being a victim of Michael Myers 40 years ago, and she is out for revenge. But how has her life changed in those 40 years? The film Halloween (2018) shows how this horror from the past has made her more prepared, paranoid and controlling towards the protection of herself and her family. Does this drive her family to hate this level of paranoia about her though, as it is reaching a very high amount? Or does it mean that she is able to predict Michael Myers next moves when he is out of the mental hospital? Watch Halloween (2018) to find out.

Would horror lovers enjoy this film?

We definitely think that if you are a fan of the Halloween series then you will enjoy this film, however we do feel as though this film, in terms of purely “is it a scary horror film?” really isn’t. Still though, it is certainly an entertaining horror film to watch, however it probably won’t be keeping you up at night. So to answer the question “Would horror lovers enjoy this film?” we think so. It continues the Halloween series in such a fluid way by continuing the story line with still keeping the fear of Michael Myers.

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